Advertisement for the New Yorker Theatre (New York, New York), 1969

If you peer closely at this advertisement, you may spot a photograph of Ousmane Sembène amongst the portraits of mostly white male European arthouse film directors. His 1966 film "Black Girl" was the first feature film ever released by a sub-Saharan African director, and his work directly addressed the reverberations of economic and racial oppression wrought by colonialism in Africa and Europe.
Tags: Film
Additional Notes
"Let's be very clear, Europe is not my center. Europe is on the outskirts. Why be a sunflower and turn towards the sun? I myself am the sun!" –Ousmane Sembène, Camera d'Afrique (1983) dir. Ferid Boughedir.
Further watching
Black Girl (1966) dir. Ousmane Sembene
Camera d'Afrique (1983) dir. Ferid Boughedir